
Adult Ministries

9:15AM - Sunday School Hour

Ladies Class

This class is made up of women of all ages who love studying the Bible through discussion and spending time together outside of church. Led by Christina Simpson and Eleanor Cobb, the group is always full of laughter and fun! They meet at 9 AM for coffee and donuts and wrap up around 10:15 AM.

You can join them in Room #202.

Adult Class

If you haven't already checked out the 9:15–10:15 AM study group, come join us! We dive into the Bible verse-by-verse, and there's always room for your questions and discussion. We’ve got coffee and donuts, and we promise you'll be blessed!

Chuck Dickert leads this group, and they meet downstairs in the fellowship hall.

Young Adult Class

This class is for both single and married young adults, and they meet from 9:30–10:15 AM. They usually work through a Bible study book, and discussions and questions are always encouraged.

Seth and Ashlyn Park lead the group, which meets in Room #103.


Teens meet at 9:15 AM and then split into boys and girls. The girls’ class, led by Jill Simpson and Tracy Sumner, uses a Bible study guide, while the guys’ class, led by Jim Sumner, usually uses the Regular Baptist Press study material.

This class meets in Room #106.

10:30AM - Worship Service Hour

Join us in the sanctuary for our morning worship service! 

Wednesday Nights

Prayer Service (7:00 - 8:00 PM)

Every Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:00 PM, there’s a prayer meeting upstairs in Room #202. Pastor Simpson, Joe Warren, and Matt Tanner take turns leading the group through a Bible study book, followed by sharing prayer requests, blessings, and praying together. Food is provided!

This class meets in room #202.

Young Adults and Teens (6:30 - 8:00 PM)

On Wednesday nights, young adults and teens gather in the fellowship hall for games, fellowship, and Bible study. They start with games until about 7:15 PM, then enjoy pizza (or something equally delicious) before splitting into their individual classes. The teens are led by Pastor Matt, Jim, and Tracy Sumner, while Seth and Ashlyn Park lead the young adults.

Children's Ministries

9:15AM - Sunday School Hour

Nursery (Infant - 5 Yrs)

Loving nursery caregivers provide a clean and safe environment so that parents can have peace of mind while they attend our worship services. There are always at least 2 workers in the nursery at a time to watch your little ones. We also welcome parents to sit in with their babies.

This class meets in room 206.

Elementary (Grades 1-6)

During our Sunday morning Sunday School hour our kids enjoy fun Bible songs and learn amazing Bible truths from the Answers in Genesis curriculum. All of our volunteers have gone through a background-check, and there are always at least 2 workers at a time to help teach your young ones.

This class meets in room 107.

10:30AM - Worship Service Hour

Nursery (Infant - 2 Yrs)

Loving nursery caregivers provide a clean and safe environment so that parents can have peace of mind while they attend our worship services. There are always at least 2 workers in the nursery at a time to watch your little ones. We also welcome parents to sit in with their babies.

This class meets in room 206.

Preschool (3 - 5 Yrs)

Excited teachers are waiting for the preschoolers so they can share important truths with them from the Bible such as obedience, sharing, being kind, and best of all, who Jesus is! All of our volunteers have gone through a background-check, and there are always at least 2 workers at a time to teach your loved ones. We use Joyful Life Curriculum in this class.

This class meets in room 205.

Junior Church (Grades 1 - 6)

Elementary children are invited to join our Junior Church class where we learn age appropriate Bible lessons, play games, complete crafts and activities to bring home, and enjoy spending time with friends. All HBC classes are focused on teaching kids about Jesus through our engaging Bible curriculum. We use a rotating curriculum that includes Gospel Light, CEF, and Orange Curriculum. All of our teachers are have gone through a background-check, and there are always at least 2 workers at a time to teach your loved ones.

This class meets in the Fellowship Hall.